21 day process, learning to live on light - Reisverslag uit Pisac, Peru van Maaike A - WaarBenJij.nu 21 day process, learning to live on light - Reisverslag uit Pisac, Peru van Maaike A - WaarBenJij.nu

21 day process, learning to live on light

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Maaike

20 Maart 2014 | Peru, Pisac

The 21 day process - to live on light

In Peru I experienced 2 things; I could live easily 8 days on 2 juices per day and feel great, energetic, stronger and in need of less sleep than before. And I discovered that after 3 days of fasting of which 1,5 without water, my food addictions dissapeared and all I wanted after that was fruits and salad. In this period I learned about living on Prana and the idea became more and more appealing to me. I studied the subject for a while and a week after I got back home, I decided to do the 21day process of Jashmuheen- 21 days of without food of which the first 7 without water.

Day 1:
I feel great. Even though I am not supposed to do anything, I still walk the dog several times. I am not thirsty at all, the hunger is barely there.

Day 2:
I feel much weaker, but am still not thirsty. But I am hungry and am craving 2 things; mango's and chocolate ice cream. I lost 2,5 kilo's and am still peeing a lot. I have no symptoms of detoxing like I had in Peru.
I decided to watch a video of Jashmuheen for some extra motivation, but the opposite happens. She says that the 21day process was great for that time (nineties) but that it is extremely hard on the body and that now it is better to do it like this over a long period of time; become vegetarian, then vegan, then go raw, fruitarian, liquidarian and automatically slide into the state of living on prana. I remember how I automatically slided in the state of not wanting cooked or dead foods anymore in Peru.... it makes me doubt. Should I have just done it different and let it happen instead of forcing myself into it?

Day 3:
I am weak and bored. I can't do much more than laying in bed. I am still not thirsty, it's really strange. I pee 3 times a day. The craving for mango's gets stronger. Sometimes my stomac hurts. Still no signs of detoxing. Even though I am physically weak, I feel very energetic and clear in my head. It's hard to have so much energy and not being able to use it. My doubts are growing.

Day 4:
I am a little thirsty. I still pee 3 times a day but no stool since the first day. Sometimes, just for a few minutes, I feel nauseous. I guess that might be my liver getting rid of bile.
I am starting to look like a ghost, my eyes lay deep into my face. My skin looks weird, dehydrated and my eyelids are wrinkled. I still don't feel like I am dying at all, but I don't enjoy any of this and my doubts are growing even more. By the end of the day I am very thirsty. I rinse my mouth with icewater and spit it out. What an incredible sensation.

Day 5:
Ok, now I am REALLY thirsty. I rinse my mouth every 3 minutes and can't think of anything but water. I have lost 6 kilo's and even though I knew that would happen, I am not happy with it. My doubts become huge and I write a letter to Eroca who is in day 11 of this process.
I am still peeing and amazed by it. Have little pains here and there but nothing bad. I can feel my stomac shrinking. Luckily my friends come by every day to take out the dog, because there is no way I could have done that. By the end of day 5 I check if I got a mail back from Eroca, but nothing... she probably doesn't have a connection like often happens there.
I try to sleep, but can't, too thirsty.

Day 6:
It is night and I still can't sleep. I fight with myself; should I just take a sip of water? I try to take a shower and have to sit on the floor because I am too weak to stand. I go back to bed and hours later I am still tossing and turning. I still have no email from Eroca. My eyelids look so weird, it's like I am looking at a different person in the mirror. My cat keeps terrorising me like he has been doing the past 6 days, since I put him on a diet. It cost me a lot of energy to constantly get him of me or away from the fridge he tries to open.
And then I break and say to myself I can have 1 sip, just 1 small sip. I take it and can't stop; withing seconds I drink 2 whole glasses. I go back to bed and fall asleep.

Day 7:
I wake up and am so dissapointed in myself! If I would have only hold on one more day... because today at midnight I was allowed to drink again. My friends try to make me feel better saying it's ok, that I did great and have no reason to be dissapointed. They are awesome, but I feel bittersweet.
Over the whole day I drink half a liter of water and 3 liters of diluted (25% orange juice and 75% water) juice. I am still super weak, but my eyelids are slowly going back to their normal shape.

Day 8:
That's today. I am still weak and drink a lot. I don't think I am gonna finish the other 2 weeks, because since I already failed, I lost the believe it will make me live on prana. Also, I came to the conslusion that the slower and less extreme way probably fits me better.

The truth is, my main goal is not to live on prana, but to be healthy. And I discovered most foods make me sick and take away my energy (not that strange if you realise that 95% of our energy goes to digesting our food!). So that is why prana seems a great solution. But maybe now isn't the time for me.

Coming days I will stay on juices and some fruits. I will see how I feel day by day, and for as long as I can, live on living, raw foods. That's the good thing about this process; again, cooked or dead foods or diary don't appeal to me at all. Even something simple like rice crackers that I used to love, now make my face go into a 'bleh' expression.

So this time I didn't make it, but I might make it another time in a more natural way. After a longer period of living raw and more spiritual growth it might just happen... who knows?

  • 20 Maart 2014 - 11:27

    Harald Van Gils:

    Respect hoor, dit is echt hardcore! Wees niet te hard voor jezelf maar luister vooral naar je gevoel. Je hebt al meer bereikt dan veel andere mensen die zich elke dag volstoppen en onbewust leven. En je lichaam weet wel wat het beste voor je is. Zolang niet drinken is heftig! Wanneer je echt van prana kunt gaan leven komt deze behoefte vanzelf wel weer op. Je hebt al flinke stappen hebt gemaakt. Wees zacht voor jezelf en geniet van wat je al hebt bereikt. Mooi en leerzaam om je ervaringen te lezen. Take care!

  • 20 Maart 2014 - 12:59

    Maaike V A:

    Dank je Harald voor je lieve woorden dat is fijn om te lezen.

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